
Why Consider Professional Solution Design and Proposal Services? 

Federal and state agencies issue tens of thousands of solicitations each year to purchase commercial goods and services worth billions of dollars. Each solicitation may have dozens of bidders seeking to win the business. To win you must have the best solution at the best value. Unfortunately, most companies over-estimate the strength of their solution vs the competition. Experienced bidders understand what they don’t know — and seek professional assistance because they win more often.

Federal Proposals is a unique consultancy with 28 years experience winning solicitations through superior program or solution design. We build upon your technical and management strengths to create winning solutions through our Total Solution Design process. Our clients report winning $720 in revenue for every dollar invested in our services.

Why Federal Proposals?

There is more to winning than submitting a compliant proposal. You need to present a proposal that is better than all of your tens to hundreds of competitors. Most proposal consultancies are body shops staffed by independent proposal writers, often with little practical experience in what really counts — designing superior solutions. They rely on what your company has to offer and work with that to prepare a polished proposal. They are seldom integrated teams with a broad range of technical skills and first-hand knowledge of the agency involved. They don’t have the skills to make your solution better; they just make what you have look better.

Federal Proposals has created and refined Total Solution Design over 28 years working with government agencies. We have a vast library of what works and what wins. We use ISO-2000 standards for creating designs and proposals. See what the competition’s “writers and proposal process managers”  offer and then contact us.

Learn why leadership makes the difference.

Federal Proposals services are specially tailored to the needs of scientific, technology and engineering related solicitations.

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